Equipment Types
The planning, development and construction of new plants and the upgrading of existing facilities in North American has exploded over the past few years due to the discovery and development of shale oil & gas. This increase in industrial activity has resulted in a growing demand for the commodities and materials needed to construct these various facilities. Because of the growing North American markets for industrial goods, many foreign manufacturers are now seeking ways to access and secure contracts and positions in the various markets. To this end, these foreign manufacturers are seeking qualified and reliable North American partners to assist them in developing their North American markets or leading their North American business development efforts.
Given the needs of these overseas manufacturers to have knowledgeable and respected representation in North America, Energy Allied Services has been established.
Utilizing EAS
By utilizing EAS, those foreign manufacturers selected by EAS for partnership, will gain instant viability and creditability with North American clients. EAS will do this by providing the selected companies with:
- A presence in North America through having an office, business address, and contact numbers in the energy capital of the world;
- Experienced personnel for major EPC and energy companies familiar with the needs and requirements of the different energy and power sectors;
- Utilization of an international network of partners, associates and contacts to identify and capture business opportunities;
- On-the-ground contact, support and meetings with the key decision makers within the different companies.
Equipment Types
- Industrial & Waste Heat Boilers for the Oil & Gas and Refining industry.
- Steam Generator Technologies focusing on HRSGs, Coal/Oil/Gas utility boilers, Biomass and Waste-to-Energy boilers.
- Steam turbines for Industrial and Power applications ranging from 10MW to 850MW.
- Hydraulic Turbine applications ranging from 3MW to 800MW.