New Nile Co.
Company: New Nile Co.
Size: 50,000 hectares
Biodiesel, biojet and multiple seafood products, salt, animal feed and particle board.
Project Overveiw:
Key Facts:
- Value: Total investment $500 – $750 MM
Brief Facts:
- Environmentally-friendly & economically sustainable project
- Utilizes desert land, untreated seawater & unskilled labor
- Provides food security, establishes new communities & labor intense employment
- Full-Scale Production Estimates
- Seafood: 48,000+ tons/year
- Oil & Meal: 21,000 tons/year
- Straw, leaves & Timber: 196,000 tons/year
- Salt: 27,000 tons/year
- Carbon Credits: 48,000 tons
- Comprehensive Business & Funding Plan developed
New Nile Co (
With seawater comprising some 97% of the world’s water resources, a solution utilizing seawater for food production, fuel development and employment could yield substantial benefits to those countries with growing populations, limited cultivatable land and diminishing water resources. Specific benefits of a seawater-based agriculture system include investment, employment creation and land utilization. The implementation of an integrated seawater agriculture system project is one such solution.
With a total capital investment of more than US $750 million to develop over 50,000 hectares of desert land and employ more than 6,500, the New Nile Co project is a sizable undertaking. Working jointly with the Government of Arab Republic of Egypt along with its government agencies, The American University of Cairo and the Government’s agricultural research organization, an environmentally-friendly and economically-sustainable New Nile Co project was formulated.
By utilizing readily available seawater to irrigate salt-tolerant plants covering large tracts of low-lying uninhabited, arid desert land, New Nile Co can produce an array of seafood products while providing the base component to produce biofuels and other marketable products. The magnitude of New Nile Co requires a substantial component of skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labor which in turn generates the development and growth of the regional infrastructure and support services.
Utilizing a multi-phased approach to development, New Nile Co is scalable and can be employed in numerous global locations.